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Dropwizard Authentication

The dropwizard-auth client provides authentication using either HTTP Basic Authentication or OAuth2 bearer tokens.


An authenticator is a strategy class which, given a set of client-provided credentials, possibly returns a principal (i.e., the person or entity on behalf of whom your service will do something).

Authenticators implement the Authenticator<C, P> interface, which has a single method:

public class SimpleAuthenticator implements Authenticator<BasicCredentials, User> {
    public Optional<User> authenticate(BasicCredentials credentials) throws AuthenticationException {
        if ("secret".equals(credentials.getPassword())) {
            return Optional.of(new User(credentials.getUsername()));
        return Optional.absent();

This authenticator takes basic auth credentials and if the client-provided password is secret, authenticates the client as a User with the client-provided username.

If the password doesn’t match, an absent Optional is returned instead, indicating that the credentials are invalid.


It’s important for authentication services to not provide too much information in their errors. The fact that a username or email has an account may be meaningful to an attacker, so the Authenticator interface doesn’t allow you to distinguish between a bad username and a bad password. You should only throw an AuthenticationException if the authenticator is unable to check the credentials (e.g., your database is down).


Because the backing data stores for authenticators may not handle high throughput (an RDBMS or LDAP server, for example), Dropwizard provides a decorator class which provides caching:


Dropwizard can parse Guava’s CacheBuilderSpec from the configuration policy, allowing your configuration file to look like this:

authenticationCachePolicy: maximumSize=10000, expireAfterAccess=10m

This caches up to 10,000 principals with an LRU policy, evicting stale entries after 10 minutes.

Basic Authentication

The BasicAuthProvider enables HTTP Basic authentication, and requires an authenticator which takes instances of BasicCredentials:

public void run(ExampleConfiguration configuration,
                Environment environment) {
    environment.jersey().register(new BasicAuthProvider<User>(new ExampleAuthenticator(),
                                                        "SUPER SECRET STUFF"));


The OAuthProvider enables OAuth2 bearer-token authentication, and requires an authenticator which takes an instance of String.

public void run(ExampleConfiguration configuration,
                Environment environment) {
    environment.jersey().register(new OAuthProvider<User>(new ExampleAuthenticator(),
                                                    "SUPER SECRET STUFF"));

Protecting Resources

To protect a resource, simply include an @Auth-annotated principal as one of your resource method parameters:

public SecretPlan getSecretPlan(@Auth User user) {
    return dao.findPlanForUser(user);

If there are no provided credentials for the request, or if the credentials are invalid, the provider will return a scheme-appropriate 401 Unauthorized response without calling your resource method.

If you have a resource which is optionally protected (e.g., you want to display a logged-in user’s name but not require login), set the required attribute of the annotation to false:

public HomepageView getHomepage(@Auth(required = false) User user) {
    return new HomepageView(Optional.fromNullable(user));

If there is no authenticated principal, null is used instead, and your resource method is still called.